Here are found files that are scans or reproductions of selected old Apple II manuals, books that are usually very hard to obtain. The scans are in PDF format, and you may need to download Adobe Reader to view these files. On the Macintosh, Preview works just fine.
Poster in honor of APDAlog, the magazine of the Apple Programmers and Developers Association. Created by Gary Graham,
Gary Graham, under the Sphere Studios and khaibitgfx names, here offers reproductions of floppy disk sleeves, featuring A.P.P.L.E., Datasoft, Electronics Boutique, Origin Systems, Roger Wagner Publishing, Softdisk, and Videx. Also included are disk labels for Ultima IV and Zaxxon. Like his work on the Apple II Red Book, these are not scans, but are reproductions made to look as closely as possible to the originals. If you enjoy these, please drop him a message at and thank him for his work.
Sirius Software was a giant back in the heyday of the Apple II, prominently featured in Softalk and other early periodicals. Gary Graham has created a set of reproductions of product logos and disk sleeves in PDF format that exceed the quality of the originals.
This is a PDF of the Apple II Redbook, the original reference manual for the Apple II from 1978. But it is more than just a PDF scan of an original; this is a digitally edited version that recreates the original look of the Redbook, but fixes the poorly printed parts of it to look as if it were printed with modern technology, rather than what was available in those early days.
Back in 2008, Gerry Doire created this and asked me to share it on the Apple II History web site. It has not changed in the last 15 years until Gary Graham took a look at it. He found typos in the 2008 version, and fixed the fonts to be more consistent with the original book.
This is still a work in progress, but Mr. Graham asked me to post this corrected version of the PDF, and some further improvements are still planned.
When Resource Central was trying to reinvent itself as the International Computer Owners Network (ICON), publisher Tom Weishaar put out several issues of a newsletter called “Ahs”, a pun on “Oz”, and Kansas (where he was based). This is the first issue from Spring 1994.
This is an MCedit schematic format file (zipped) for the Apple IIe built in Minecraft (updated for 1.12.1), as featured on a blog post elsewhere on this site. Download this and use MCedit to paste it onto your world. (Note: I am not going to describe how the MCedit process for loading schematics works – you will have to learn that elsewhere on the Net).
Also, as a bonus build, I have included my old Skyblock island, recreated in Creative mode from videos and screenshots I took from my old Hatfilms Skyblock account several years ago.
Catalog of Apple II products from the summer of 1982