Category: General

Apple IIGS reviewed

Take a look at Ken Gagne’s blog here for a video by Brian Picchi reviewing the Apple IIGS. Nicely done!

Apple II Forever, part 2

Back in 1988, Apple did a little PR for the Apple II line on The Computer Chronicles series. Here is that program, hosted by Stuart Chiefet and Gary Killdall, featuring the Apple IIc Plus and the new GS/OS for the Apple IIGS. It includes…

Veit Illustrates Apple II Power

I’ve enjoyed listening to the audiobook reading by David Greelish of the book “Stan Veit’s History Of The Personal Computer”. (Greelish is the proprietor of The Classic Computing Blog, and just recently started a new podcast, The Retrocomputing Roundtable). You can find both of…

Bob Bishop + KFest

Bob Bishop was involved with much more at Apple than APPLEVISION. And next summer at KanasaFest, he will be presenting the keynote speech for that annual Apple II gathering. See the detailed story at the KFest web site.

Even Apple Used Pirate Tools

Another piece of past fun, as posted on GEnie and reproduced in the GEnieLamp newsletter: >>> WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE APPLE II ROUNDTABLE? <<< “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” ~ September 1, 1994 ~ ////////////////////////////// APPLE ANECDOTES / ///////////////////////////////// True Stories “””””””””””” by Dean Esmay I’ve never told…


While looking through some of my old notes today, I came across this old message. I had said I would include it in my history, and it got filed away and misplaced. Well, now that I’ve recovered it, I had better keep my sixteen…

Alternate Timeline History

Warning: The following story contains elements of fiction and wishful thinking about a past that never happened. Those who are bothered by speculative fiction are cautioned to stop reading now. In the past two posts I have taken a look at the major competitors…

The Competition, Part 2

In the last post, I gave capsule summaries of the major competition for the Apple II, especially in its early years. In this post I want to make some contrasts and comparisons between the different platforms in terms of their various features. It is…

The Competition, Part 1

In the late 1970s, when the personal computer revolution was taking off, there were a large number of platforms all vying for consumer acceptance. Each company had their proponents and critics. Consider today’s Mac vs PC wars fought out in television ads and blog…

KansasFest 2010 Redux

Were you able to attend the longest-running Apple II conference in history last summer? Or were you stuck in your home town wishing you could be in sunny Kansas City? Regardless of which category describes you, KFest sessions can be visited again or seen…