Hacker by Activision; Unique in that there were virtually no instuctions on how to play; you had to figure it out as you went, trying to “hack” into a fictional mainframe computer.
Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Infocom; Adventure based on the book of the same name.
Ultima IV by Origin Systems.
Bank Street Filer by Sunburst Communications; database.
VIP Professional by VIP Technologies; spreadsheet.
Point-To-Point by Little, Pinpoint Publishing; terminal program.
Stickybear Printer by Optimum Resources; graphics printing program with some features similar to Print Shop.
Reader Rabbit by The Learning Company.
Writer Rabbit by The Learning Company.
Fantavision by Broderbund; animation program.
Clan Perfect Accountant by Sir-Tech; finance.
On Balance by Broderbund; finance.
Smart Money by Sierra OnLine; finance.
Autoduel by Origin Systems.
F-15 Strike Eagle by MicroProse.
Beagle Compiler by Beagle Bros; Applesoft compiler.
Font Mechanic by Beagle Bros; font editor for graphics.
Shape Mechanic by Beagle Bros; graphics shape editor.
Micol BASIC by Micol Systems; alternative to Applesoft.
MouseDesk by International Solutions; double hi-res graphics program launcher, modeled after the Macintosh Finder. Eventually purchased by Apple and modified for their first version of the IIGS Finder.
Program Writer by Beagle Bros; Applesoft program editor with an AppleWorks-like interface.
Triple Dump by Beagle Bros; graphics printing utility, supporting every printer in the known universe.
Word Processing/Desktop Publishing:
AutoWorks by Bird, Software Touch; AppleWorks macro program.
Fontworks by Software Touch; AppleWorks WP utility.
KeyPlayer by Pinpoint Publishing; AppleWorks macro program.
MacroWorks by Brandt, Beagle Bros; AppleWorks utility, first macro program for AppleWorks.
MouseWord by International Solutions; graphics-based word processor.
Multiscribe by Styleware; graphics-based word processor, with multiple fonts and graphics capability.
Word Perfect by Satellite Software; word processing.
SuperMacroWorks by Brandt, Beagle Bros; AppleWorks utility, upgrade to MacroWorks, worked only with AppleWorks v2.0 or v2.1.